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Forecasting revenue-only streams

Adding a revenue-only stream to your forecast

  1. In the Forecast Overview, select Revenue:
    forecast overview revenue highlighted pro.png
  2. Click Add Revenue Stream:
    add revenue stream button highlighted.png
  3. Enter a name for your unit sales revenue stream, then click Add Details:
    name and create revenue stream (1).gif
  4. For the type, select Revenue only:
  5. Select whether you will enter the revenue as a dollar amount or whether this revenue stream will represent a percentage of another revenue stream:
    revenue only dollar amount or percentage detail.png
    • Dollar Amount: Represent this revenue stream as a dollar amount.
    • % of specific revenue stream: Calculate this revenue stream as a percentage of another existing revenue stream
  6. Select whether the dollar amount or percentage will remain constant throughout your forecast or if it will vary:
    constant or varying amount.png
Note: If you have numbers from a spreadsheet, select the Varying amounts over time option, and then you can easily copy and paste from your spreadsheet. Forecast entries set to Varying amounts can also be edited in-line from their respective forecast overview pages.
      • Constant amount: Indicate the amount of revenue, whether you receive it monthly or annually, and when the revenue stream will start:
      • Varying amounts over time: Plot the revenue stream dollar amount or percentage by month:
        revenue stream varying amounts over time entry example.png
    • Click Create & Exit or Save & Exit:
      create and exit.png

Revenue based upon a % of another revenue stream

Revenue-only includes scenarios when some of your revenue scales in direct proportion to another revenue stream. 

  1. In the Forecast Overview, select Revenue:
    forecast overview revenue highlighted pro.png
  2. Click Add Revenue Stream:
    add revenue stream button highlighted.png
  3. Enter a name for this revenue stream:
  4. For the type, select Revenue only:
  5. Click Next:
    next button detail.png
  6. Select % of specific revenue stream. This can either be a constant percentage each month or varying percentages over time:
    revenue-only % of revenue detail.png
  7. Choose the revenue stream that this revenue will be directly scaled from. Revenue-only which revenue.png
  8. Set the percentagerevenue-only % revenue constant amount.pngConstant amount: Indicate the percentage of the revenue stream on which this revenue will be based from.revenue-only % revenue varying amount.png
    Varying amounts over time: Plot the percentage by month:
  9. Click Create & Exit:
    create and exit.png

Editing or deleting a revenue stream

To edit an existing revenue stream:

Click on its name in the Revenue table:


The edit overlay will appear. Make your desired changes, and click Save & Exit. For more details, see How do I edit or delete forecast entries?

revenue only one page overview.png

To delete a revenue stream:

Forecast items can be deleted from two different places: from the forecast table or list, or from within the editor overlay when viewing a single forecast item.

  • In the forecast (Table view): Click on the empty white space within the name heading cell of the item you want to delete, as shown in the example below:
    delete forecast item table example.png
    Clicking on the white space will bring up further editing options at the top of the forecast table. Select Delete and confirm to delete the forecast item:
    delete item forecast table.gif
  • In the forecast (List view): Click on the three dots to the right of the forecast item you want to delete:
    edit revenue streams highlighted.png
    Select Delete and confirm to delete the item from your forecast:
    delete detail forecast list view.png
  • In the editor: Click the More actions dropdown near the top-right of the forecast editor:
    More actions dropdown detail.png
    Select Delete and confirm to delete the forecast item:
    delete forecast item menu.png

Where does this entry appear in the financial statements?

Your revenue streams will be used to calculate the highlighted lines in the Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow table shown below:

Projected Profit & Loss


Projected Balance Sheet


Projected Cash Flow


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