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FAQ for Students using LivePlan

If you're a student currently enrolled in a course that involves our LivePlan software, you'll find some frequently asked questions and answers below:

How do I know what my student discount is?

Your student pricing has been given to your instructor, who should have details on how to sign up and claim your discount. We have several ways students can sign up for LivePlan, so your instructor will have the details for your course.

My professor gave me a promo code. Where do I enter this code so I can access LivePlan?

Your instructor will provide you with a link to the LivePlan sign-up form. There, you should see an Access Code field, as shown below. Sometimes, your promo code will already be applied there. If you don't see it, you can paste in your code and click Apply:

payment information screen access code highlighted.png

Note: Sometimes, your school may have a custom link or landing page for signing up. If you aren't sure, check with your instructor for details. You can also with your promo code and we'll be glad to help.

I already have a LivePlan account. How do I apply my student promo code to that existing account?

If you signed up for LivePlan at some point, whether that account has since been canceled or not, we can help apply your student promo code to it. Please with that promo code and the account email address, and we'll be glad to help.

Where is the outline my professor said we'd have?

If your instructor is using a custom outline, it should be installed in your LivePlan account before the start date of your course. This outline takes the form of a company file in LivePlan. 

When you first sign up for LivePlan, you'll create your own company file by default. But you can easily switch to the company file your instructor created instead.

To see if your instructor's company file is in your account, you'll navigate to the All Companies page. In the lower-left corner of your LivePlan window, click on your account name, then select Manage Account. 

Arrow Pointing to manage account.png

Next, select Companies:
account management sidebar with companies highlighted.png

On the All Companies page, you should see your instructor's outline in the Archived companies section. We often use the name "Full Original Outline" for instructor outlines, but your instructor may have specified a different name:

all companies screen showing active and archived company.png

To switch to the instructor's outline, follow these steps:

  1. In the Active companies section of the page, under the name of the company file you created, click Archive:
    all companies menu with archive highlighted.png

  2. In the Archived companies section, under the name of the instructor's company file, click Restore:
    company management menu detail with restore highlighted.png

  3. The instructor's outline will now be in the Active companies section. Click Go to company:
    company management screen with go to company highlighted.png

If you don't see your instructor's company file and your course start date is within a few days, please and we'll be glad to help.

How do I invite my instructor or class team members to my plan?

You can invite your instructor or classmates to view or edit your company file any time. For details, please see Adding and removing contributors and guests.

I have questions about my assignment...

You're welcome to with LivePlan questions, but we don't have any details about course assignments. It's best to contact your instructor directly with those.

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