Opening your own LivePlan account when you're a guest or contributor

LivePlan can associate an email address with only one account at a time. So what happens if a colleague has already issued you a contributor or guest pass to their company, but then you want to use the same email address to create your own LivePlan account? 

Converting your contributor or guest access to a full account

  1. Sign in to LivePlan using the email address and password that you use to sign in as a contributor or guest.
  2. In the lower-left corner of the page, click on the Account menu. Select Switch Accounts:

    account menu switch accounts highlighted.png

  3. On the My Account page, click Create a New Account:

    create new account highlighted.png

  4. Enter your payment details and then click the Sign up button to create your account:

    payment information highlighted with arrow pointing to sign up.png
Note: Apple Pay will only display as a payment option if you access LivePlan through Safari on an Apple device.

When you create your new account, you can switch between your account and any companies you have contributor or guest access to. You'll also have all the features of a standard LivePlan account.

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