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Customizing the master LivePlan account for your organization

Since your master LivePlan account will be used by multiple people, both advisors and clients, here are two customizations we recommend making as you're first setting up the account.

In this article:

Customizing the master LivePlan Account for your Organization

Step 1: Update the account profile name

When the master account is initially created, it will have the account owner's email address and name attached to it. To make it clear that the account is for your organization as a whole, we recommend updating the profile name.

  1. Click the Account menu and select Manage Account:
    Arrow Pointing to manage account.png

  2. On the Account Details screen, under Account name and logo, replace the account owner's name with the center's name, then click Save Changes:
    2024-01-04_12-20-10 (1).gif

  3. To exit the account management page, click the back arrow in the upper-left corner:
    manage account menu with back arrow highlighted.png

Step 2: Add your center's logo

In the same section, you can also upload your center's logo. It will then display at the top of the LivePlan window for your advisors and clients.

  1. Click the Account menu and select Manage Account:
    Arrow Pointing to manage account.png

  2. To upload a logo, either drag and drop the image file or click Select an image from your computer:
    dragging company logo to account name and logo screen.gif

  3. Once the logo is uploaded, you'll see it displayed. You can click the Delete Image link any time to remove it and upload a different logo:
    account name and logo with garrett added.png

  4. To exit the account management page, click the back arrow in the upper-left corner:
    manage account menu with back arrow highlighted.png

  5. Your logo will then display at the top-left of the LivePlan window, as shown below:

    arrow pointing to custom logo.png

    Note: If your account doesn't currently have the logo option and you would like to add it, please contact us for more details.

Step 3: Create a demo company file

When you initially signed up for LivePlan, you were taken through the process of creating your first company file in the account. You may have created other companies in the account since that point. When you're ready to start inviting your advisors into the account, it's a good idea for them to have access to a clearly marked demo company, which they can use to get to know LivePlan.

If you'd like to use one of your existing company files as the demo, you can easily change its name to a demo-oriented name from the Options tab:

changing a company name with a custom logo.gif

If you'd prefer to create a company file from scratch to use as your demo, please see Adding an additional company.

Inviting advisors and clients to your master account

The process for inviting advisors and clients to your account is essentially the same, but there are some key differences in how you'll set up their permissions. For a general walkthrough of creating a user invitation, please see Adding and removing contributors and guests.

Permissions for an advisor

Each advisor should be sent a Contributor invitation so they can edit company files in LivePlan. Their access permissions should be set up as shown below:

advisor permissions for organizations.png

Note: If your organization prefers to give advisors access to all client files in the account, you can set up permissions that way as well. Click the Select all link to give an advisor access to all companies.

Permissions for a client

Clients or advisees should also receive a Contributor invitation so they can edit their own company file. Their permissions should be set up as shown below:

contributor pass with see actual and one company selected.png

Note: Do not give your clients access to add and manage users or create and manage companies in your account.

Verifying whether a user invitation was received

When you invite an advisor or client to your organization's account, the invitation remains active for 30 days. You can check on its status at any time by visiting the Users page of the master account.

  1. Click the Account menu and select Manage Account:
    Arrow Pointing to manage account.png

  2. In the left sidebar of the account management page, click Users:
    account menu edit users highlighted.png

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the Users page. If the user has not accepted the invitation, you'll see "Invitation Pending" along with their email address, as shown below:
    users menu with invitation pending highlighted.png

    Note: If the invitation has expired after 30 days, you can click the Resend/Edit Invitation link to generate a new invitation.

  4. If the user has accepted the invitation, you'll see their name alongside their email address, as shown below:
    users screen with individual contributor highlighted.png

  5. To exit the account management page, click the back arrow in the top-left corner:
    manage account menu with back arrow highlighted.png
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