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Spell Check

LivePlan's built-in spell check will highlight spelling and punctuation errors within your plan topics. LivePlan highlights spelling suggestions in red and punctuation suggestions in blue. Clicking on any of the underlined sections will display a list of suggested corrections:

spelling suggestion.png

Select the correction to make, or select Ignore all to stop suggesting a correction for that word on the current topic. To add the highlighted word to the dictionary and prevent further correction suggestions, click on the disc icon:

save to dictionary.png

You can access the settings menu by mousing over the dot near the lower-right corner of the topic editor. This dot will be yellow if there are no suggestions and red if there are:

spell check menu.gif

You can adjust further configuration settings by clicking the gear icon.


Here you can select the spell check language as well as the toggles for language, automatic spelling correction, autocomplete suggestions, and which words to ignore:
spell check settings.png

To turn the spell check off, click the power button:



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