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How do I accept a LivePlan contributor or guest invitation?

With LivePlan, you can invite others to collaborate with you at no additional cost. If you receive an invitation from a LivePlan account owner to become a contributor or guest, follow these steps to accept it.

Accepting an invitation when you have no LivePlan account

Don't worry if you don't have your own LivePlan account. Once you accept an invitation, you can create an account free of charge. This account will only connect you to the companies you've been invited to access.

  1. When the account owner sends the invitation, you will immediately receive an email at the address entered into the invitation form:
  2. Once you receive the invitation email, you will be presented with two options to accept the invitation - an Accept Invitation button and a direct link. Simply click on either of these options to accept the invite.:

  3. When you click the link, you will have the option to either continue with Google or to create an account by entering your name and setting a password. If you choose "Continue with Google," you will use your Google account to log into LivePlan. This option simplifies the login process and eliminates the need to remember another username and password.

    To set up your contributor account without connecting to Google, simply input your email, name, and a password. When you're done, click Accept Invitation:

  4. You'll then be taken to the Companies page, where the available companies are displayed The number of companies you see here will depend on the number the account owner has given you access to. Click Go to company to access the company:

    Note: If you see no companies listed, then the account owner may have forgotten to click the check box to give you access to a specific company. The owner should update your access setting for the company.

To return to this account in the future, visit and sign in with your email address and password or by using one of our SSO (single sign-on) options. We currently offer Google, Intuit, and Xero.

If you would like to create a full LivePlan account of your own from this guest access, please read Opening your own LivePlan account when you're a guest or contributor.

Accepting an invitation when you have an active LivePlan account

If you already have your own active LivePlan account, it's best to have any contributor or guest invitations sent to the same email address you use on that account. That way, you can easily switch between your own account and any companies you're invited to work on.

  1. When the account owner creates the invitation, you will immediately receive an email at the address entered into the invitation form:
  2. In the invitation email, you will see an Accept Invitation button and a link to accept your invitation. Click either to accept the invitation:
  3. When you click that link, you'll be prompted to sign in. Use your current LivePlan sign-in credentials:
    liveplan sign in screen.png

  4. You'll then be taken to the Companies page for this account. Because you entered through a link in the invitation, you'll see only the company (or companies) to which you have been invited. Click Go to company to access the company:


    Note: If you see no companies listed, then the account owner may have forgotten to click the check box to give you access to a specific company. The owner should update your access setting for the company.

  5. Any time you need to move to your own account again, you can easily switch accounts by clicking on the Manage Account menu at the lower left of the window. Select Switch Accounts. For more details, see Switching to another LivePlan account.

    Left Menu Switch Accounts.png

Accepting an invitation when you have an inactive LivePlan account

If you previously had a LivePlan account but canceled it, you can still receive invitations at the same email address. You don't have to reactivate your old account. The following instructions assume that the invitation was sent to the email address linked with your inactive account. Alternatively, you can request invitations to be sent to a different email address, which will require you to create a new contributor or guest account.. In that case, please refer to the section above titled Accepting an invitation when you have no LivePlan account.

  1. When the account owner creates the invitation, you will immediately receive an email at the address entered into the invitation form:
  2. In the invitation email, you will see an Accept Invitation button and a link to accept your invitation. Click either to accept the invitation:


  3. When you click that link, you'll be prompted to sign in. Use the credentials from your original account. If you no longer recall the password, you can click the Reset your password or the Request a sign-in link for more login options. 
    liveplan sign in screen.png
  4. Once you reset your password, return to the email sent by the account owner and click the link provided. This will direct you to the sign in page without the need to reactivate your old account. If you haven't reset your password, please proceed to Step 5.
  5. Once signed in, you'll be taken to the Companies page of LivePlan. Click Go to company to access the company to which you have been invited:

    Note: If you see no companies listed, then the account owner may have forgotten to click the check box to give you access to a specific company. The owner should update your access setting for the company.

    Note: If you decide at some point to reactivate your own account while using contributor or guest access at another company, you'll be able to easily switch between them going forward.

Auto-Accepting Invitations

If you use LivePlan collaboratively, either with a team or in an advisory role, accepting invites may become an step that you'd like to remove from your workflow. To assist with this, LivePlan has a setting to allow you to accept user invites automatically.

  • To set your account to automatically accept user invites, select manage account from the lower left nav menu of your account.

Manage Account.png

  • Select Profile in the lefthand menu and check the box to Auto-Accept Invitations at the bottom of the menu. Once you've checked the box, click Save Changes

Auto Accept Invites.png

Now when a LivePlan user sends you an invite to their account, it will automatically be accepted and you can switch to their account right away.

Where to go from here

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