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Using the Dashboard Overview

In this article:

The Overview page of the Dashboard provides an at-a-glance view of key metrics, such as revenue, expenses, cash flow, net profit, and gross margin. To see these views, you'll just need to either connect LivePlan to your accounting solution or directly enter your actuals.

These Overview charts are meant to give you a general sense of how your numbers are trending. For a more detailed (and customizable) view, "Click for details" on any metric - that will take you to a more detailed Trend view:

Dashboard Overview Arrow pointing to Revenue.png

Choosing your data comparison

The Overview page can show you a wide variety of data comparisons. To create the comparison you want to see, use the two pull-down menus at the top of the page:

Dashboard Overview Date Selector.png

Dashboard Overview Period Selector.png

LivePlan will remember the selections you make until you change them again. Your selections will also carry through from the Overview to the Trend view.

Reading the Overview charts

Although there are several different chart types, they all show these essential pieces of information:


An additional metric is shown when actual results exist for a portion of the selected period with a future end date. 


The On pace for value takes the current actual amount (either from direct entry or a connected accounting solution) and factors in the remaining days of the period selected, estimating the total at the end of the period chosen based on how the actuals are tracking today.

Why is my Dashboard empty?

If you aren't seeing any data in your Dashboard, as shown below:

Dashboard Overview Empty State.png

...this is likely because some data is still missing. The Dashboard requires two primary data sources to build metrics:

  • Your actuals from your accounting solution
  • Your forecast, which you have entered into the LivePlan Forecast section

To fully use the Dashboard, you’ll first need to complete your forecast and then either update your actuals directly or connect to your accounting solution to import your actuals.

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