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Changing the organization of your plan outline

LivePlan's business plan outline is incredibly flexible. You have the power to add, remove, rename, and rearrange chapters and sections, tailoring your plan to perfectly mirror your unique business and market. To get a sense of the comprehensive subjects covered in a typical LivePlan business plan, consider reading What's included in the default outline.

How the plan outline is organized

When you click on the Plan section, the current plan outline is displayed in the left-hand column. You can click on any chapter title to see the sections included within it:

plan outline topics.gif

Similar to a detailed report, a business plan is structured with chapters (first level), sections (second level), and topics. The topics are where you'll input your text, while chapters and sections provide the framework for organization. This intuitive view allows you to easily navigate to any part of the plan for editing. For a more comprehensive guide on editing sections, refer to Writing and editing plan content.

To see an editable view of your outline, click on the Outline link in the Plan section:

plan section outline highlighted.png

In this view, you will see the same outline with the Chapters, Sections, and Topics in place:

chapter section topics.png

From here, you can add additional material to your plan outline, either from a list of suggestions or by creating custom chapters, sections, and topics. You can also rearrange the outline as well as remove parts that you don't need in your plan. 

For more details on how you can edit the plan outline, see these articles:

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