Writing and editing text topics

The Plan tab in LivePlan contains all your business plan text sections. These are arranged into a default plan outline, which you can easily customize to suit your needs

When you write or edit any text topic, you'll see a toolbar with standard formatting options, including bold, italic, bulleted lists, link formatting, numbered lists, and block quotes:

text editing options highlighted in plan topic.png

Along with the text editing tools, you'll see our LivePlan Assistant. You can use the LivePlan Assistant to help generate works in your topics or adjust your writing tone.

LP Assistant Help Me Write.png

Writing a text topic

  1. To begin writing a text section, click on the Plan tab. This will place you on the View & Edit page. 
    plan section view and edit highlighted.png
  2. The main area of the page then displays the topics within that section. Click Start Topic to begin working on a topic:
    plan section with start topic highlighted.png
  3. In the text editor, for each topic, you'll see a topbar that contains two sections: the general instructions for writing the section and two examples. To learn more about the examples, read Using the Instructions and Examples.
    plan tab with instructions and examples highlighted.png
  4. To enter your text into the section, type into the editor box. Add formatting, images, or hyperlinks with the formatting toolbar as needed:
    topic editor with text formatting options highlighted.png
  5. Click Close to save changes:
    topic editor with arrow pointing to close.png

Editing a text topic

You can edit the text topics you've created in your plan at any time. 

  1. To begin, navigate to the outline section you want to update. Then click the Edit button to access the text editor again:
    arrow pointing to edit topic.png
  2. Perform the needed edits, then click Close to save your work and return to the Plan Outline:
    topic editor with arrow pointing to close.png

Topic Progress Indicators

Each topic in the plan outline includes a progress indicator. The status helps track completion for solo and team planners.

plan topic progress indicator highlighted.png

To change the progress of a plan topic, click on the progress indicator and select a new status from the drop-down menu.

changing plan topic status detail.gif

More on writing and editing

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