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Getting help with your plan

The LivePlan Help Center

You're already here! Just use the search box in the upper right corner of this page to ask any question you have. Our help center explains financial statements and many accounting concepts and shows you how to use LivePlan. Even if you are unsure of the exact term to search for, try taking a guess when searching on the home page of our help center. Oftentimes, we can find what you're looking for. 

Our Customer Advocacy team

We're here to help with questions about using LivePlan and technical support, Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm U.S. Pacific time. Feel free to .

Help Button > Chat With Support Animation.gif

We're experts on LivePlan, but aren't trained to serve as finance or business advisors. For that kind of help, please see the resources below.

Inviting collaborators into your plan

You may have a mentor or business advisor you'd like to work with on your plan. Remember, you can always send that person a contributor invitation to your plan, so they can edit it alongside you. You're also welcome to invite as many guests to your LivePlan account as you wish if you're looking for more feedback on your plan.

Plan review service

If you've written your plan and just want a qualified professional to review it, we work with a group of business plan writers who offer this service for a small fee. To request a quote based on your needs, just visit this page and fill out the contact form.  

Entrepreneur agencies near you

In the U.S., the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is a wealth of resources and assistance. They offer one-on-one mentorship, access to market data, and educational resources - either free or at low cost. will help you locate the office in your area.

There are many entrepreneur service agencies outside the U.S. You may want to try an online search to locate resources near you.

Self-guided learning resources

  • LivePlan's Help menu (the " ? " icon near the top-right of your LivePlan window) is a quick way to get support through our chat or email. 
  • The LivePlan Learning menu (the book icon near the top-right) gives you access to guides for Growth Planning, Getting Started videos, the sample plan library and other free resources. 
  • The LivePlan Blog offers straightforward advice on starting and managing a small business.
  • is our educational website, with thousands of pages of how-tos, checklists, guides, and much more. This video guides you through the site:

More Getting Started Guide:

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